Friday, October 2, 2009

I saw you that day

It breaks into a million pieces,
scatter all over the places.

I saw you that day,
and my world changed.

My eyes can only see you and only you,
My ears can only hear what is spilling out from you,
Since then,
the words I speak is all about you.

You came to me.
You picked up every pieces on the floor,
You sew it back till your hand sore.
Finally, you realized that there's a piece of it gone missing.

On that point of time,
I know that,
I have found the missing piece of my heart,
because I saw you that day.

Your heart may not be a puzzle.
Therefore, I will not break it.

Are you the missing piece of my heart?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Who are they?

If I had a rose for every time i thought of you,
I'd be picking roses for a life time.

All the love that history knows is said to be in every rose.
He or she has no demand for fancy cars or big houses.
A simple life will do just fine.

He or she doesn't cares if you're rich or poor,
clever or dull, smart or dumb.
Give 'em your heart, and he will give you his.

How many people can you say that about?
How many people can make you feel rare, pure and special?
How many people can make you feel extraordinary?
How many people can become your true pair of ears,
and listen to every bits and pieces of your crap?

Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life,
Love gives us a fairy tale. =)

There is no reason to love.
If love needs a reason,
then there is no reason for me to love you anymore.

He might not be your God,
but he is God-like!

Monday, August 24, 2009

幸福 (Happiness)





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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Its been so long...

Where is my heart where I claim to be the strongest in my body,
in it the courage that seldom fails me when the time comes,
that I can't drag my feet forward, to live another day?
Has my will to live left me in my darkest hour?
Or perhaps it is lost.....
drown in the deepest sea of never ending sorrows.

Why can't I cope with death,
when I know it is inevitable.
That feeling of loneliness, that waters my eyes with tears every now and then.

Oh God teach me!
How do I conquer this wretched feeling of despair?

Never have appreciated what life has thrown in my path,
never recognised their importance.
And now, they are lost,
taken by the arms of death, so strong that a thousand arms could not pull them back.

Ahhh! Take me along...
So i can once again bask in the warmth of their love and guidance.
For now, I realized that I am walking alone.
Death is terrible, but watching death take your love ones away are more painful.

Appreciate, Love, and hold them while you can.
So that when death's arm unfolds, you know that you were once together.

Its been so long that I haven seen your face,
trying to be strong,
but the strength I have is washing away.
I miss you.

Peace in mind.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Always choose life

If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's,
we'd grab ours back.
When in doubt, just take the next small step.
Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
The best is yet to come.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry,
show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
Time heals almost everything.
Give time, time.

Believe in miracles.
Get outside there everyday.
Miracles are waiting everywhere.
Burn the candle, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie,
don't save it for special occasion,
because today is special.

Don't compare your life to others,
you have no idea what their journey is all about.
Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
Forgive everyone and everything.

All that truly matters in the end is that you lived.

Life isn't tied with a bow,
but it's still a gift.

Life goes on...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

My time is now

I've lived a thousand lies.
I've learned not to trust others but myself.
Knowing that when things are falling apart,
Don't give up,
because good things will then fall together.

I've been told that if I sit behind,
and if someone is giving away a piece of one hundred dollar note,
I will never get it.
If you are not the leader,
then you are a follower.

Passion, Inspiration, Motivation,
Obsession, Commitment

Wake up and start walking

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Be strong.

Dreams and wishes are the road,
You are the traveler,
Experiences are the guide.
Experience every moment you are alive.

Don't cry if it's over,
Smile because it happened.
Don't give up because it went wrong,
Laugh because it made you stronger.
So take a step forward.
And, let experience guide you along your walk in life.

There's alwaysRainbow after a rain.

Make choices and don't look back.

Monday, July 20, 2009


The days came creeping forward,
slow like the changing of seasons.
But why am I crying,
and yet with no tears.
Why are you moving,
but not towards me.
Taking on a path I cannot take, yet how I wish I can.

And I stood there, waiting...

As if a sudden gust of wind might take you back to me,
But it did not.
My brain says goodbye, but my heart says nay,
My legs walks away, yet I look back and to see your shadows.
And I realized..

Every step away from you, takes me one step closer to your heart.
And I realized, the heart knows not the word separate.

Intelligence is the quality of the mind,
Love is a quality of the heart.

Listen to your heart❤

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Only You.

When the night falls,
I miss you.
Dear friends,
you are like the stars in the night,
Never fails to shine.
Although all of you shines,
but how many of you would sparkle in the silent night,
and silently talk to me,
Hear to what I'm whispering,
Listen to what's pumping out of my heart.
Sacrificing yourself,
And show me what's meteor,
So that I can wish upon it.

Will this moment last forever?
You and me,
He or she,
Or 'it' maybe,
Is changing with time.
In just a blink of an eye,
You neither stop blinking nor shines on me.
How could this be?

Finally when all the stars have fallen into the black hole,
The only one left is YOU,
Like a guardian angel,
always the one that,
accompanies me,
reminds me,
and cares for me.
No matter rain or shine,
Day or night.


I Love You.

Learning to shine and blink,
So that you can count on me for everything.

❤Love is all around you.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Lost in a world without light,
Lost in a crowd without sight,
Lost as a kid, lost as an adult,
I failed to grow up.
At this point of time,
I feel that everything is falling apart.
Lost as a person, can't find my way,
I can't say,
You are not in my way,
I cant follow your path either.
Who am I?
Lost in a world of lies.
Would you bring truth to my life?
Would you give me wings to fly?
and catch me if i fall?
If not,
I'm lost.

Uncertain feelings of lost.
Find me.

Wishing well :)

If I were granted as many wish as I want,
You would be the first one,
That I am wishing for.
I wish I could hear your voice when dawn breaks,
I wish I could see your pretty face when earth rotates,
I wish I could fill in the spaces between your fingers,
And held your hand close to my heart,
While feeling your heart beating with mine,
Knowing that I could never find this feeling from anyone other than YOU.

I wish I knew how,
you feel now.

❤Love is all around you.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Can you feel it?

Like a gust of wind,
blowing through everything.
Like my love for you,
revolving around you.
Our love is like the wind,
Neither you nor I can see it,
But you and I can feel it.

Can't you feel it?
For you I will.

With much loves❤.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Just like.......

Like waves rush towards the shore,
Like moon attracts to the earth,
My each step follows your path,
Your eyes,
There lies the truth,
Your actions,
There come my salutations,
Your love,
That flows deep in my vein.
I am totally lost in your magic.
I love you for not what you are,
But for what I am when I'm with you.

With much loves❤.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yours Truly =)

The eye that tracks me,

The smile that greets me,

All belongs to you.

The hand that caress me,

The heart that loves me,

The arm that holds me,

All belongs to you.

The truth that I’ve seen,

The happiness that I’ve enjoyed,

The pain that I’ve endured,

All comes from you.

With all your love revolving around me,

I really would like to,

Would love to,

Meet YOU,

And reciprocate someday.

Hello world,

Welcome to The Hidden Tales that are going to be revealed,

bit by bit,

one by one,

step by step,

till the end of the road. =)

May all of you be free from danger,

May all of you be free from mental suffering,

May all of you be free from physical suffering,

May all of you be well and happy always.

With much loves.