Monday, August 24, 2009

幸福 (Happiness)





我们手牵手一起历尽千辛万苦 走遍千山万







Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Its been so long...

Where is my heart where I claim to be the strongest in my body,
in it the courage that seldom fails me when the time comes,
that I can't drag my feet forward, to live another day?
Has my will to live left me in my darkest hour?
Or perhaps it is lost.....
drown in the deepest sea of never ending sorrows.

Why can't I cope with death,
when I know it is inevitable.
That feeling of loneliness, that waters my eyes with tears every now and then.

Oh God teach me!
How do I conquer this wretched feeling of despair?

Never have appreciated what life has thrown in my path,
never recognised their importance.
And now, they are lost,
taken by the arms of death, so strong that a thousand arms could not pull them back.

Ahhh! Take me along...
So i can once again bask in the warmth of their love and guidance.
For now, I realized that I am walking alone.
Death is terrible, but watching death take your love ones away are more painful.

Appreciate, Love, and hold them while you can.
So that when death's arm unfolds, you know that you were once together.

Its been so long that I haven seen your face,
trying to be strong,
but the strength I have is washing away.
I miss you.

Peace in mind.